Pull Cash, Paypal Verification with Payoneer Debit Card

June is the month which is very exciting for me, because the dollar shipment silih switch, from the start of blogsvertise, sponsoredreviews, to reviewme, but that made me happy this time was, because I get the first new shipment of dollars reviewme through Debit card Payoneer I have previously received from TLA, so this is the first experience for me.

Earlier 6 pm after I open the e-mail, when I see any e-mail from Payonner, that I have been sent from the dollar reviewme of $ 132.5 and require me to load through payoneer account, without long thought, I immediately logged in to perform and payoneer load, and in less than 15 minutes the money had been a debit card account payoneer me, but according to information from previous payoneer, to load takes about 2 hours, but this is much faster, while the total cost charged is $ 15, with $ 5 for the details of load, $ 10 activation card debt to pay me before. So only the remaining $ 117.5

But before I plan to withdraw some money through the ATM, I try to used verify the paypal account ,I have a wife who has not been verified already, after I try and follow every step in the paypal account, paypal my wife have also verified, and after I see the balance is now live $ 114.5, I pull the rest through direct ATM Permata Bank, located in Garut Ciledug way, because according to experience based on the results of other bloggers blogwalking, that withdrawal can be done through ATM Bank Permata, when I try before about 8 pm in the ATM, I had surprised because the screen ATM Permata Bank does not have menu options for debit cards, the only choice Savings Account, Reserve Account and Credit Card, but it's not because I try to select the Reserve Account, the balance can be displayed and a number of Rp. 1,117,060, and then I take Rp. 1,150,000, because the money multiplier are 50 thousands, and not long out of the ATM cash deposit that I pull.

However, after returning from the ATM to take money I try to login to check account payoneer to see the remaining balance, which appears in fact balance is - $ 2.32 (minus 2.32 dollars), I thought it was strange how can a minus, but not a headache I take an important I pull the money already and want to spend all tomorrow's promise give Flashdisk would make my younger brother. Oh .. yeach help for those who have experience the same withdrawal of cash from Payoneer Debit Card can be sharing here, especially that already know how to balance minus the cash drag.

1 comment:

walkweb said...

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